Safety Aids
TVSC Advice on Water Safety Aids, Buoyancy Aids & Lifejackets
In simple terms, a buoyancy aid is designed to help you swim whereas a lifejacket is designed to keep you afloat without the need for swimming. There is a limited number and range of sizes of both types of Personal Floatation Devices (PFDs) available for use at TVSC, located within the Punt shed. Advice is provided below on the recommended PFD for the main on-water club activities, along with the sizes available and links to videos on how to fit and adjust typical buoyancy aids and lifejackets.
The responsible adult/s for any child/children MUST ensure that their child/children wear a suitably sized and suitably fitting lifejacket if they are going afloat, and never leave any child alone on the water. Note: TVSC does not hold a full range of child sizes.
Anyone of any age and who cannot swim MUST wear a lifejacket when going afloat.
Anyone who is less confident when on the water should not be alone when going afloat. They may wear (depending on the activity) a buoyancy aid or a lifejacket at any time.
Throw lines are available within both boat bays; on the clubhouse wall adjacent to the water hose reel and in the kitchen within the clubhouse by the First Aid box. CLICK to view a video on how to use a throw line
Thermal blankets are contained within the First Aid box in the boathouse and in the First Aid box in the kitchen within the clubhouse.
Activities and Actions
Activity | Recommended PFD and Rating | Additonal considerations & immediate mitigating actions in the event of falling into the water |
Workboat, Umpire Launch, Safety Boat, Regatta Stake Boating | Auto-inflating Lifejacket: Minimum rating 150N | Standing up in or transferring between boats there is a possibility of falls and injury. A Lifejacket with a 150N rating should keep a person afloat without the need to swim, in sheltered inland waters. Other workmates and boats should be able to assist in any rescue. |
Punting & Skiffing |
For any individual who is less confident on the water: Buoyancy Aid, Minimum Rating 50N
If punting solo, leave the punt door open and ensure a Throw Line is accessible for any passers-by you may need to hail in an emergency. Use the buoyancy of the punt, punt pole, skiff or skiff blades, and swim to shore AND if in a group, the people and boats in your group should assist in any rescue. Other boats are also available in the boathouse to help effect a rescue e.g., skiffs, canoes etc. |
Using CANOES or KAYAKS | Buoyancy Aid, Minimum Rating 50N | Use the buoyancy of your own boat and swim to shore, OR if in a group, the people and boats in your group should assist in any rescue. |
Rag Regatta Event PARTICIPANTS | Buoyancy Aid, Minimum Rating 50N | There will be other boats and personnel present at the event and able to assist in any rescue. |
CHILDREN & also ANYONE OF ANY AGE WHO CANNOT SWIM taking part in any On-Water Activity | Lifejacket, Minimum Rating 100N | The responsible adult/s for any child/children MUST ensure that their child/children wear a suitably sized and suitably fitting lifejacket if they are going afloat, and never leave any child alone on the water. A Lifejacket with a minimum rating of 100N should keep a person afloat without the need to swim, in sheltered inland waters. |
Lifejackets and Buoyancy Aids at TVSC
Lifejacket or Bouyancy Aid | Type & Rating | Adult/Child | Bodyweight | Chest Size | Manufacturer & Colour | Number Held | Image | Links to typical “How to Fit” videos |
Lifejacket |
Auto/Manaual inflation, Rating = 165N |
Adult – all sizes |
Greater than 40kg (>6st 4lb) |
55 to 140cm (22 to 55 in) |
Seago Seaguard Navy & Grey
6 |
How to Fit an Auto-inflating Lifejacket & |
Buoyancy Aid |
Foam only Rating = 50N |
Adult Medium/Large |
Greater than 70kg (>11st 0lb) |
99 to 111cm
(39 to 44”) |
Yak Blaze
4 |
![]() |
How to Fit a Buoyancy Aid |
Buoyancy Aid |
Foam only Rating = 50N |
Small/Medium |
Greater than 40kg
(>6st 4lb) |
86 to 99cm
(34 to 39”) |
Yak Blaze
4 | ![]() |
How to Fit a Buoyancy Aid |
Lifejacket | Foam only
Rating = 100N |
(Junior Size) |
30 to 40kg
(4st 10lb to 6st 4lb) |
78 to 86cm
(31 to 34”) |
2 | ![]() |
How to Fit a Child’s Lifejacket |
Lifejacket | Foam only
Rating = 100N |
Child | 20 to 30kg
(3st 2lb to 4st 10lb) |
68 to 78cm
(27 to 31”) |
2 | ![]() |
How to Fit a Child’s Lifejacket |