On our reach (Shepperton to Sunbury Lock) there are two weir systems and five weirs in total. Weirs are dangerous.
There is rarely any reason to approach the two weirs at Shepperton. The only time we pass them is when going through Shepperton Lock. When doing so take notice of signs and stay well clear of the weir lines and posts.
However, the three weirs at Walton/Sunbury are much closer to the parts of the river we use and, on occassion, they must be passed. Remember the TVSC advice not to navigate downstream of our clubhouse when there is a strong stream; consider other conditions too, including strong or gusty winds.
The information below was created by our close neighbours, Walton Rowing Club. It is worth reading, understanding and remembering.
The PDF has 4 pages. To continue reading, hover your mouse over the foot of the PDF page and use the down/up arrows which appear. The same information is available on Walton Rowing Club’s website.